Susana Proenca
Scientist Systems Pharmacology – Team Toxicology/PBPKSusana is a portuguese biologist and toxicologist. She embarked on her journey with esqLABS GmbH as a System Pharmacology Scientist in October 2024. Her expertise encompasses in silico tools like compartmental models, PBPK modeling, QSARs, and transcriptomics along with in vitro and analytical chemistry techniques, crucial in the field of Toxicology. She's dedicated to harness these tools to integrate in vitro data seamlessly for hazard characterization, specializing in quantitative in vitro in vivo extrapolation (QIVIVE) and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE).
Susana began her academic journey with a Molecular and Cellular Biology Bachelor's degree (Nova Universidade de Lisboa) and a Master's in Biopharmaceutical Sciences (Universidade de Lisboa). She gained valuable experience during an internship at ECVAM-JRC, followed by a stint automating chemical data curation at JRC. Her PhD studies from 2017 to 2022 at Utrecht University, in collaboration with the projects in3 MSCA-ITN and IV-Kin Cosmetics Europe, paved the way for her work at Wageningen University on the HORIZON 2020-ONTOX project, focusing measuring and modelling in vitro kinetics in complex models and its implications for hazard characterization.