Christian Maass
PhD, Principal Scientist, Lead MPSlabs – Business Unit: MPSlabsChristian Maass is a physicist and computational biologist with over eight years of academic and industrial experience, where he established a strong national and international network. He is passionate about the integration of computational modeling and biological experiments for translational pharmacology applications.
Before joining esqLABS, Dr. Maass worked in various therapeutic areas, e.g. neurodegenerative, inflammatory, and metabolic diseases (Alzheimer, rheumatoid arthritis, NASH/NAFLD). Among others, he developed individualized PBPK models for molecular radiotherapy (leukemia), automated workflows for big data (*omics), network-based analysis of inflammation diseases, and mechanistic modeling of organ-on-chip data.
He received his Master in Medical Physics from the University College London in 2012 and PhD from the University of Heidelberg in 2015. As a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, he focused on application-driven method development for microphysiological systems in safety pharmacology. In 2018, Christian joined Certara’s Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) team, working on liver disease models and leading projects to integrate organ-on-chip (OoC) and computational modeling for translational pharmacology applications.