Marco Albrecht
Scientist & Quality Manager – Team QSP/T/qAOPMarco Albrecht is a Biosystems Engineer, who is passionate about combining natural science disciplines with the power of mathematics.
He was interdisciplinary trained in molecular biology, system theory, control engineering, and modeling from the first semester at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. Magdeburg is a European hub for bottom-up modeling and harbors the Max-Planck Institute for the Dynamic of Complex Technical Systems.
Marco Albrecht has not only worked in four different hospital wards at an early age but also in several high-tech life-science start-ups and research incubators such as GenDx in the Netherlands, Optimata in Israel, and BioMed X in Heidelberg as well as in several research groups such as the experimental dermatology group at the TU Dresden and the porous media department at the University of Bordeaux.
His Master´s thesis at the University of Heidelberg was on identifying differentially expressed features in transcriptome dynamics, and his dissertation at the University of Luxembourg was on mathematical histopathology and systems pharmacology of melanoma. Marco Albrecht reached in all research projects the highest possible grades and was funded by the prestigious EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie research grant.
Marco Albrecht brings substantial experience in modeling tissue physiology, systems biology, and analyzing omics-data to esqLABS and will act as a QSP-platform developer.
Furthermore, he takes care of the Quality Management System, Internal Knowledge Management, and the Internal Training Plattform.
Work with me
- Senior/Principal Scientist - Systems Pharmacology (PBPK-QSP) (m/f/d) Team QSP/T/qAOP · Saterland / Home Office (100%) · Fully Remote
- Senior/Principal Scientist Systems Pharmacology PBPK / DDI (m/f/d) Team QSP/T/qAOP · Saterland / Home Office (100%) · Fully Remote
- Senior/Principal Scientist Systems Pharmacology (m/f/d) Team QSP/T/qAOP · Saterland / Home Office (100%) · Fully Remote